Concert: Notre Dame Symphony Orchestra


Location: DeBartolo Performing Arts Center

The Notre Dame Symphony Orchestra is an ensemble of 60-70 players devoted to the orchestral music of the 18th through 20th centuries. The orchestra is open to all members (students, faculty and staff) of the Notre Dame community; non-Music majors who wish to continue instrumental performance during their college careers are particularly encouraged to participate. The orchestra currently rehearses on Tuesday evenings and presents three campus concerts in the Marie DeBartolo Center for the Performing Arts. The NDSO also occasionally takes off-campus tours.

Each year a Concerto Competition for instrumental performers is held in November with the winner or winners appearing with the NDSO in concert during the spring semester. General auditions for new and returning members of the orchestra are held during the first week of fall classes, but individual audtitions can be arranged by appointment.

For tickets visit or call 574-631-2800.