Lecture: "Neuroscience and (Your) Behavior: How Your Experiences Shape Your Brain and Your Outlook"

- (part of a series)

Location: Online

How your brain works has an impact not only on behavior, but also on worldview. Early environments and experiences affect the brain and overall health, research has shown.

Sign up now to join us for this new program coming from The Science Lab, “Neuroscience and (your) Behavior: How your experiences shape your brain and your outlook.”

The online, synchronous programs will be held on Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on March 18, 25, and April 1, and will be led by Nancy Michael, associate teaching professor and director of undergraduate studies for Neuroscience and Behavior.

Negative early relationships and stressors wire our brains in physical ways that researchers have determined can lead to diagnoses such as depression, anxiety, addiction, and even cancer, diabetes and heart disease. However, positive experiences can lead to resilience and improved overall health. The study of neuroscience and behavior offers deep insight into understanding our own thinking and how we engage with others. This self awareness can ultimately encourage us to consider our responsibility in meeting others in dignity and solidarity.

This program will give you the opportunity to view pre-recorded short talk videos available at any time on ThinkND, and participate in weekly online meetings later this Spring. All events will be recorded and made available through the ThinkND website, YouTube Channel and ThinkND Podcast.


Originally published at science.nd.edu.