IQSA Corona Qur’an Seminars on Zoom (#IQSAZoom)

- (part of a series)

Connecting Qur'an Scholars as hosted by Gabriel Said Reynolds

Please register to receive link to the live Zoom meeting: Registration

April 9, Hythem Sidky, "Codex Damascensis and the Evolution of the Syrian Reading Tradition." 
April 16, Gabriel Said Reynolds, “Perish the Human! On Sinfulness and Satan in the Qur’an”
April 23, Johanna Pink, "The Qur’an in Javanese. Scripture, Teaching and Translation"
April 30 Sarra Tlili, “Ecology of Wonder: the Ecological Dimensions of Three Qur’anic Motifs”
May 7 Sean Anthony, “The Surprising Christology of the Annunciation Scene in Q. Maryam 19:16-21”

More talks to be announced soon! All talks will be recorded and uploaded to YouTube (here)

Visit the IQSA website for more information on the International Qur'anic Studies Association.