Global Dialogues: Understanding Water Diplomacy Between Israel and Jordan


Location: Virtual

For Week 7 in our Global Dialogues series, join NDI staff from the University of Notre Dame at Tantur in Jerusalem, Israel and special guest speaker Dr. Daniel Blumenthal, who is the Department of Energy (DOE) Attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. They will discuss the standardization of a duel plumbing system with a gray water pipe (sinks/showers) and black water pipe (toilets).

Global Dialogues: The Worsening Water Crisis is a new, interactive series presented by Notre Dame International and ThinkND that highlights the University’s global reach through research, activism, and local impact around the globe as a further exploration of what connects us in our Care for Our Common Home.

During this series, we will learn about the global water crisis by connecting with partners around the world to study issues of water, including its accessibility, its impact on cities, and its importance to equity and food production.

Each week, we will travel the globe, from Mumbai to São Paulo, and showcase the impact of local research and fieldwork that is happening throughout the University’s network of programs, partnerships, and engagements with local people, organizations, and governments.

The Worsening Water Crisis will deliver a deep dive into local case studies that will be examined and discussed with an aim to connect, educate, inspire, and motivate people to come together to solve this global issue. It will offer an opportunity to engage with international communities and learn about the impact of climate change from Notre Dame’s expert faculty.

Please register for the series here. More Information can be found here. Sponsored by Notre Dame International and ThinkND.

Originally published at