Lecture with Clemens Sedmak: Integral Human Development: A Concept, a Process, and a Lab


Location: Online

Integral Human Development: A Concept, a Process, and a Lab

Clemens Sedmak
Director, Nanovic Institute for European Studies
Professor of Social Ethics, Keough School of Global Affairs
Kellogg Institute Faculty Fellow

Presented as part of the Kellogg Institute Integral Human Development Policy and Practice Lab, this talk will explore the practical “cash value” of Integral Human Development (IHD) by asking a simple question: what difference could an “IHD-approach” make in working with people and projects? After a brief analysis of the term, the idea of “an IHD approach” will be presented, illustrated by examples. 

Cosponsored by the Nanovic Institute for European Studies.

Please register to attend.

Europe In Context Sedmak

Clemens Sedmak is co-editor of The Practice of Human Development and Dignity (University of Notre Dame Press, 2020), a volume of essays which consider the meaning of human dignity inductively in light of development practice, rather than simply providing a theory or philosophy of human dignity in the abstract. It asks not only “what is dignity” but also “how can dignity be done? 

Sedmak serves as interim director of the Nanovic Institute for European Studies and is a professor of social ethics in the Keough School of Global Affairs. He holds a joint appointment with Notre Dame’s Center for Social Concerns and is a concurrent professor of theology in the Department of Theology.




Originally published at nanovic.nd.edu.