Virtual 2020 Conway Lectures, "Race in the Middle Ages": Lecture 2, Cord J. Whitaker (Wellesley)


Location: By Zoom

In 2002, the Medieval Institute inaugurated a lecture series in honor of Robert M. and Ricki Conway. Robert Conway is a 1966 graduate of Notre Dame and trustee of the University, and he and his wife are long-time friends and supporters of the Medieval Institute. The annual Conway Lectures bring senior scholars of international distinction to Notre Dame each fall to speak on topics across a variety of disciplines. The lectures are then published by the University of Notre Dame Press

This year's lectures will be on the topic of race in the Middle Ages with speakers Sara Lipton (Stony Brook University), Cord J. Whitaker (Wellesley), and Suzanne Conklin Akbari (Princeton), and will be held, for the first time, virtually.

This second lecture will be given by Cord J. Whitaker (title forthcoming). The lecture will run from 5–6 p.m. with Q&A from 6–6:30 p.m. To join, please register. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. This registration gives you access to all Conway lectures and the roundtable.

Please write to with inquiries.

Originally published at