Juneteenth Rally and Walk for Unity


Location: Irish Green (between the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center and Angela Boulevard) (View on map )

The University of Notre Dame, the Athletic Department and its football program invite members of the campus community to gather to recognize and celebrate Juneteenth. This event will serve as a symbol of the next step in leading the Notre Dame community to its best version of itself and to celebrate the Black Lives Matter movement by keeping it at the forefront of our conversations and committing to learning how it is impacting our world.


The gathering, set for 12:30 p.m. on Friday, June 19, at the Irish Green (between the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center and Angela Boulevard). The event will include an opening prayer from defensive lineman Myron Tagovailoa-Amosa, and remarks from defensive lineman Daelin Hayes, offensive lineman Max Siegel, and Dick Corbett Head Football Coach Brian Kelly.

Participants, who are being asked to wear black shirts, will then take a unity walk for equality across campus.


In the interest of health and safety related to the coronavirus pandemic, the location and nature of this event have been chosen so that attendees can maintain social/physical distance. Additionally, all attendees will be expected to wear face coverings during their time on campus.

Originally published at events.nd.edu.