Lecture Series: "The Business of Being an Artist" with Niku Kashef


Location: 215 Riley Hall of Art (View on map )

The department is very excited to launch a new lecture series called, “The Business of Being an Artist.” This series will bring 1-3 professionals per semester to talk about the many approaches to the practice/business of being an artist. We are hoping to expose you to the creative industry, networking, self-promotion, starting a business, graduate school, and marketing your creative skills in a range of ways. It’s a series for a reason- there is no one approach, so each speaker will bring a new perspective.

Please join us for the inaugural lecture titled “After Art School” by Niku Kashef, a Los Angeles based artist, educator, and independent curator, who also maintains a commercial photography practice. She will present some many possibilities of what to do after art school including: models of support for artists; the ever-shifting definitions of success; and alternative career paths.

Kashef’s work explores, how experience is shaped and perceived relationships through geography, biography, and place as physical location. She curates an annual public series of panel discussions and events with artists, curators and cultural producers who discuss their experiences, support systems, lifestyle, and practice. She has exhibited and has work in collections of national and international venues including the Los Angeles International Airport, the Monterey Museum of Art, The Museum of Arts & Crafts-ITAMI (Japan) and the Yucun Museum of Art (China). Kashef is active on numerous committees for arts including as a Board member for the College Art Association and past-chair of their Services for Artists Committee, and is a past-President and Advisory Board member for the Southern California Women’s Caucus for Art. She is a Lecturer of Art at California State University, Northridge; an Adjunct at Woodbury University and an independent curator having done work various organizations including the United States National Committee for United Nations Women chapter in Los Angeles. Kashef lives and works in Los Angeles.

Open to all. Refreshments will be served.

Originally published at artdept.nd.edu.