Poet John Deane: A Reading


Location: Snite Museum of Art


John Deane is a celebrated Irish poet and novelist. Deane is the founder of Poetry Ireland, the National Poetry Society of Ireland, and the Poetry Ireland Review. He also founded Dedalus Press and is a member of Asodana. He is the recipient of many national and international awards. 

Born on Achill Island off the west coast of Ireland in 1943, Deane has published many collections of poetry and some fiction. Poetry collections include "The Instruments of Art" (2005), "The Eye of the Hare" (2011), "Snow Falling on Chestnut Hill: New & Selected Poems" (2012), and "Semibreve" (2015). Other writings include "In Dogged Loyalty" (2006), essays on religious poetry; "The Works of Love" (2008), an essay collection; and "Give Dust a Tongue" (2015), a faith and poetry memoir that has become a bestseller. Deane has been honored by many fellow poets, including the late Seamus Heaney, and has led a retreat on poetry and faith alongside the American poets Carolyn Forché and Fanny Howe and the former Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams.

His reading at the Snite will take place in the galleries of the exhibition “Looking at the Stars”: Irish Art at the University of Notre Dame.

We will honor Mr. Deane after the reading with a reception in the Great Hall, O’Shaughnessy Hall. His books will be available for sale.

Originally published at irishstudies.nd.edu.