Lecture: "Is Art Boring? Exploring the Strange and Unexpected in Art History with ArtCurious"


Location: 200 Riley Hall of Art (View on map )

Jennifer Dasal MA ’04, associate curator of contemporary art at the North Carolina Museum of Art will present this lecture. Dasal has created an art & art history-themed podcast titled ArtCurious. Dasal launched ArtCurious last summer and releases new episodes every two weeks. “I’m hoping to give more of an interesting spin to art history,” Dasal says, putting historical stories in a modern-day context and weaving in interesting parallels and side notes. For example, “the very first episode that I did was about the thefts/forgeries/possible falsehood of the Mona Lisa— that actually stemmed from a story that I heard from one of my professors at the University of California, Davis, where I did my undergraduate work. She was convinced that the Mona Lisa on view at the Louvre was fake. I thought that was such a strange idea, so I wanted to dig into the work’s background (particularly in the 20th century) and learn more. And that started it all.”

This lecture is free and open to the public.

Originally published at artdept.nd.edu.