Chronicles of Narnia Lecture Series: Lectures 3 and 4


Location: Eck Visitor Center Auditorium

Please join the McGrath Institute for Church Life as it hosts a series of lectures focussing on the Chronicles of Narnia. Intentionally hosted during the liturgical seasons of Lent and Easter, this lecture series plays upon the implicit pilgrimage quality of the Chronicles, inviting readers and listeners to perhaps embark on a spiritual journey themselves. On each of the assigned dates, there will be two lectures: one at 6:00pm and another following on after at 7:15pm. A short course for undergraduates will run alongside this course.

Lectures 3 and 4
6:00–7:00pm, Prince Caspian, Michael Ward (Oxford)
7:15–8:15pm, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Peter Schakel (Hope College) 

Originally published at