6th Annual Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead)


Location: 1045 W. Washington Street, South Bend, IN

Notre Dame Center for Arts & Culture and the CRHC will host this art exhibit showcasing altars created by artists to remember those who are no longer living among us.

Ofrendas (offerings) or Altares (altars) are made in memory of the deceased and are a good example of the cultural hybridity of this holiday. The ofrendas / altares are either built at the gravesite or in the home, and include offerings of food, water, and personal possessions of the deceased. Oftentimes photographs of the deceased are placed within the ofrenda, a three-tier pyramid structure. The bottom level represents Mitlan the underworld, the middle section represents earth, and the top represents the heavens. A traditional ofrenda includes the four elements of wind, fire, water, and earth. Representation is with papel picado (wind), candles (fire), beverages (water), and flowers (earth). Other elements included in a traditional altar are personal belongings or any items that honor the loved one.

All are welcome.

 *If you are interested in creating a community ofrenda this year, please send an e-mail to vhernand@nd.edu by October 24, 2018. 

Originally published at artsandculture.nd.edu.