OVI Videoconference Seminar: “Oltre la parodia. Commentare i sonetti di Cecco Angiolieri”


Location: Room 121, Information Technology Center

This seminar is the third part of a series of seminars focusing on early Italian literary texts of specific historical periods and from a double perspective: one more attentive to textual-linguistic issues and led by scholars at the OVI; the other more focused on critical-historical-literary matters and led by scholars associated with and invited by Notre Dame. The confirmed speakers are (in order of appearance): Pär Larson (OVI), Demetrio Yocum (ND), Giuseppe Marrani (Università per Stranieri di Siena), Filippo Gianferrari (Vassar College), David Lummus (Stanford University), Cosimo Burgassi e Speranza Cerullo (OVI).

Further information about the seminar series may be found here.

Originally published at italianstudies.nd.edu.