Lunchtime Labor Raps: "The Challenge of Labor Peace: Perspectives from a Federal Mediator"


Location: Geddes Hall Coffee House (View on map )

​Kevin Hawkins (’81), commissioner with the U.S. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, will reflect on his path from Notre Dame student to federal mediator, as well as the challenges and imperatives of forging compromise in the contemporary American workplace.

Higgins Lunchtime Labor RAPS feature experts—scholars, activists, and policymakers—exploring the past, present, and future of work, in the U.S. and beyond.

All Notre Dame community members are welcome, and lunch is provided for those who RSVP.

This event is one of the Center for Social Concerns’ Peace Meals, a series of lunch discussions throughout the academic year focused on the CSC’s theme for 2017–18,  The Challenge of Peace.