2017 Hesburgh Lecture: "Latinos, Education and the Church"


Location: Eck Visitor Center Auditorium (View on map )

The Notre Dame Club of St. Joseph Valley and the Latino Student Alliance invite you to the 2017 Hesburgh Lecture.

Latinos now comprise 35% of all Catholics in the United States, including 52% of Catholics under 30, but only 15% of all students enrolled in Catholic schools, and 10% of Notre Dame freshmen. Why are enrollment rates of Latino students so low? Why is more Latino student enrollment in Catholic schools important? What can be done to increase Latino enrollment in Catholic schools?

Our lecture will be delivered by Luis Ricardo Fraga, Ph.D., Rev. Donald P. McNeill, C.S.C., Professor of Transformative Latino Leadership, Joseph and Elizabeth Robbie Professor of Political Science, Director of the Institute for Latino Studies, Acting Chair of the Department of Political Science, and Fellow at the Institute for Educational Initiatives. In 2011, President Obama appointed Dr. Fraga to the President’s Advisory Committee on Educational Excellence for Hispanics.

For more information, please contact Mark Rolfes at markrolfes@ntsource.com or at (847)-254-5733.

Originally published at latinostudies.nd.edu.