Lecture: Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church: Where Are We Now?


Location: McKenna Hall Auditorium, Notre Dame Conference Center

A Provost’s Distinguished Women’s Lecture

In 2002, the U.S. Catholic Bishops convinced Kathleen McChesney to leave her executive position at the Federal Bureau of Investigation to establish their national office for child protection. In this talk, she describes the scope of the problem of abuse of minors in the church and in society in general, how the “crisis of abuse” occurred, and what the Church has done in the last decade to deal with this critical issue.

A reception will follow.

The Provost’s Distinguished Women’s Lecture Series encourages innovative forms of interaction between highly regarded women visitors and Notre Dame faculty, students and administration.

Co-sponsored by the Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism with support from the Center for Social Concerns, Department of Theology, Institute for Church Life, and Notre Dame Law School.

For more information, please call Professor Cathleen Kaveny at 574.631.7844.