Journalism, Ethics, and Democracy

Course Highlights

  • Fundamentals of Journalism
  • Principles of Science Communication
  • Persuasion, Commentary, and Criticism

The Gallivan Program in Journalism, Ethics, and Democracy offers a minor for students interested in working in print, broadcast, or digital news. The Gallivan Program combines training in practical skills with the study of social, political, economic, and ethical issues that journalists face, offering students a foundation in the reporting and editing principles that endure in a changing media industry.

The journalism minor embeds practical and ethical training specific to the news industry within the broader scope of a liberal arts education. The content-specific knowledge students develop in their major(s), as well as critical thinking and curiosity from engaging with diverse ideas among professors and peers on a variety of subjects, sharpens an aspiring journalist’s worldview. Along with the lessons from journalism courses and student media work, Gallivan Program graduates embark on their careers prepared to succeed in the news industry and make a difference in their communities.

Programs Offered

  • Minor