Video: Psychology Major Interns with Liquidity Services

Author: Todd Boruff

“Internships are so valuable. Don’t be afraid to branch out; go somewhere new,” says Notre Dame senior Katie Ferrello from Sugarloaf, Pa.

During the summer of 2013, Katie Ferrello was a social media intern with Liquidity Services, a reverse supply chain management company based in Washington, D.C. In this position she managed the company’s presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. “I’m coming up with content, keeping in contact with all of our followers, and really giving our company a name on these social media platforms,” Ferrello says.

Ferrello received a grant from the Arts and Letters Summer Internship Program, which funds sophomores and juniors with internships anywhere in the U.S. or abroad. She notes that receiving the funding “definitely made the decision a lot easier” to take the internship in D.C.

As a psychology major, Ferrello finds social media marketing especially interesting because “when it comes down to it, it’s about forming relationships with people and different ways to communicate with people.”

You can also watch this video on YouTube.

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