John Banville: A Roundtable on his Works


Location: 1050 Jenkins Nanovic Halls

The award-winning novelist John Banville will be a short-term visitor at the Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies from 30 October through mid-November 2018.  During that time, he will visit Notre Dame classes and immerse himself in academic and cultural events on campus, as well as devote concentrated time to works in progress.

In one of two public events, this Roundtable will feature Professors Joyelle McSweeney (English), Brian Ó Conchubhair (Irish Language and Literature), and Cyril O'Regan (Theology) speaking on some aspect of Mr. Banville's work. He will respond to each commenter in turn. Jesse Lander, Chair of English, will serve as moderator.

The second event will be a reading and public lecture on November 12 with book sales, signings, and a reception to follow.

Originally published at